Which foods contain much probiotic - What are probiotics?
Top 10 Fermented Probiotic Foods to Improve Gut Health

Which foods contain much probiotics?

Perhaps we all know about the power of probiotics – the living microorganisms that are good for our body, especially the digestive system. However, to enjoy their maximum benefits, you need do much more than understanding the best time to take a probiotic. Acknowledging yourself a list of foods that are rich in these friendly bacteria is also a need.

This doesn’t make sure that you intake something that does good to your body but also best makes use of available foods, helping you save an amount from buying probiotic supplements.

With this mind, we’re writing about probiotic foods list that promise to satisfy those who have been engaged in this issue and even those who just simply get interested in getting here. Keep scrolling!

What are probiotics?

“Probiotics are living microorganisms, the majority of which are bacteria followed by yeast”, according to the American Pregnancy Association. They are similar to the naturally beneficial microorganisms found in your gut (intestines).

Probiotics are sometimes called friendly bacteria for the reason that they can balance the good and bad bacteria in the gut, and help to keep your digestive system healthy. Some widely used probiotics are Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Saccharomyces.

What are probiotics

Why take a probiotic?

As we all know, our body is full of good and bad bacteria. Too much of any bacteria, even the good kind, can be harmful to our digestive system. Probitics can help balance bacteria population to keep our system staying healthy, then, enable our body to work in the way it should.

Probiotics can do more than that, it may help maintain your mood, prevent and treat vaginal infections in women, make skin stronger and healthier by reinforcing the skin’s natural defenses against bad bacteria, pollution and free radical damage, and more.

Probiotic foods

Probiotics are rich in several fermented foods that contain two strains of beneficial bacteria, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricusossibly. These foods are used in daily meal to improve the digestion of food, making you absorb nutrients better and faster.

Not just that, these fermented probiotic foods are recommended to both vegans and vegetarians due to nutrients they provide.

Top 10 Fermented Probiotic Foods to Improve Gut Health


The most fermented daily product must come to yogurt that can help breakdown lactose into lactic acid. Currently, there are two main kinds of yogurt on the market, live cultured yogurt and greek yogurt made from the milk of cows, goats or sheeps and its live bacteria have been killed during processing. So, make sure that you choose to the right yogurt with active or live cultures according your purpose and health condition.

Also, pay attention to the amount of added sugar labeled. Yogurt with no added-sugar is highly recommended.


Kefir is similar to yogurt in taste but richer in probiotics because of being fermented with yeast and more bacteria. This flavored drink has been consumed for well over 3,000 years and the term “Kefir meaning “feeling good” originated in Russia and Turkey.


Sauerkraut, made from fermented cabbage and other vegetables, is the oldest form of fermentation. This cultured vegetable does not only contain probiotics, but it also has fiber, Vitamins C, B, K, iron and antioxidants that support the growth of good bacteria. Kimchi is a cousin to sauerkraut, and has successfully gone beyond Korea to become a popular dish in many countries.


Kombucha is fermented black or green tea drink. Originating in Japan, this drink has been consumed for over 2000 years and becomes one of the most popular fermented daily drinks in many parts of the world, especially in Asia. Fermented by using a SCOBY –  a friendly colony of bacteria and yeast, Kompucha takes a hand in supporting food digestion and boosting energy and liver detoxification.

Raw cheese

Other food that is high in probiotics is raw cheese made from goat’s milk or sheep’s milk.  It contains 4 beneficial bacteria, including thermophillus, bifudus, bulgaricus and acidophilus. It’s recommended to look for 3 things when buying raw cheeses: first, that is raw and unpasteurized, second, that is made from high quality milk and third, that is from a trustful vendor.


Aside from Sauerkraut, pickles that are pickled in a solution of salt and water are a great source of probiotics.  They are low in calories, and contain fiber and vitamin K, an essential nutrient for blood clotting. It’s important to note that pickles made with vinegar do not contain any probiotic. So, you need watch out the label when buying pickles at stores or you might try making pickles by yourself.

Traditional Buttermilk

Buttermilk is also worth mentioning in this list. There are two main type of buttermilk: traditional, and cultured.  Both of them contain several important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12, riboflavin, calcium and phosphorus. But the point is cultured buttermilk does not have any probiotic benefits. So, be careful when choosing this fermented daily drink at stores.


Natto, a fermented soybean product is also rich in probiotics, protein and Vitamin K2. This Japanese popular dish may help to boost your immune system and support bone and cardiovascular health.


Tempeh is another a fermented soy food, like Natto. It’s not only high in probiotics but it also produces some vitamin B12 during fermentation process, making it a popular high-protein meat substitute. For that reason, it is highly recommended to vegetarians and vegans.


Along with Natto and Tempeh, Miso is also a good source of probiotics. It is original from Japan and traditionally made by fermenting soybeans with salt and Koji, a type of fungus. This fermented soy food contains high protein, various vitamins, minerals and plant compounds, including vitamin K, manganese and copper. Some study reveals that Miso may reduce the risk of stroke and cancer, especially breast cancer in middle-aged women.

Natural probiotic foods

Aside from fermented foods, probiotics are found in foods that have not been radiated or sterilized (organic foods). These beneficial bacteria can pass through the gut to eliminate harmful bacteria, and are more resilient to stomach acid than other types. Here are some of them: asparagus, onions, garlic, raw honey, chicory root, barely ripe plantains and bananas, sprouted whole grains, berries and seeds.

Reading here, you could definitely build a probiotic food list for you, right? If you want to consume probiotics from a natural source instead of supplements or even try a better taste with them, probiotic food must be an ideal choice. As they are healthy, why don’t you add them to your daily meal?

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