Whap happens to your tattoo after weight loss?
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What happens to your tattoos after weight loss?

Aside from muscle gain and weight gain (both pregnancy and non-pregnancy), weight loss is also a factor that affect the look of your tattoo.


Those, who had get one or some tattoos on their body already, and even those who are considering getting one need to think of what happens to your ink when you lose weight. It definitely causes changes to your tattoos but how it can affect depending on the locations of the tattoo and the amount of weight you lose, fast or not.

With this mind, we’re writing about tattoos after weight loss and the way to minimize them as well.

tattoos after weight loss

Facts about weight loss

Some choose to lose weight to have a more attractive appearance, but some who suffering from obesity and weight related health conditions resort to lose weight to live a healthier life.

In most cases, weight loss only shrinks body parts a small amount. Following it, the skin, the biggest organ on your body stretches and shrinks as needed. So depending on how much weight you lose, it may or may not affect your tattoo.

weight loss effect tattoos

How can weight loss effect tattoos?

The appearance of your tattoo will certainly be effected during your body changes but how it could be depending on the amount of weight you lost over a short time, position, size and type of the tattoo.

Normally, it causes shrinkage and distortion. It means that your tattoo slightly or strongly changes its original look. However, if you lose two much weight in a short time or through surgery, it may look saggy or off-point.

Despite of the fact your tattoo changes does not affect how healthy you are, even is nothing compared to it, many still care much about its look, especially those who have been engaged in tattoos. To minimize its effects after weight loss, you just need to consider factors that might affect your tattoo.

How to determine the change of tattoos?

There are several factors to determine the changes of tattoos after weight. Take a look at them in order not to be shock with the new look of your tattoo.

The Effect on Tattoos After Weight Loss and Body Changes

Period of time

The first thing to consider is how much weight you’re losing in a short period of time. For instance, if you lose up to 100 pounds in a year, your skin definitely experience stretch marks or sagging, thereby, causes changes in your ink.

Slowly losing weight causes less change to your tattoo than rapidly weight loss, gaining weight, or doing weight-loss surgery. So, you need follow a healthy and gentle weight-loss diet if you want to protect your tattoo.

The placement

Aside from the amount of weight you’re losing, the position of your tattoo also play important role in how much it changes after you lose weight. Tattoos on your back, stomach, breasts, hips inner arms and inner legs will be much changed by the weight loss.

In contrast, tattoos that are on the hands, wrists, feet, ankles and back of the neck are less affected by as your body changes.

The placement tottoo

Size of tattoos

Comparing with small tattoos, larger ones, like black pieces and sleeves are less likely to show visible signs of shrinkage and distortion over time and through body changes.

In case your tattoos do shift in an unpleasing way, you should cope with them by adding new details and touching them up instead of having them removed or covered up.


If you’re considering to have a tattoo, you might choose less symmetrical designs that can accommodate your body changes in the coming time.

The facts show that highly symmetrical tattoo designs, like tribal or Celtic patterns, are more likely to show the effects of weight loss than less symmetrical ones.

Inspirational tattoo after weight loss

It’s ok to get some tattoos on your body but you need to care more about how they could be as the body changes, making them not perfect as you expected. For a better look of tattoo while losing weight for a better health, it’s worth reading, right?

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